Charatered Institute of Project Management, Ghana

  • To determine the standard of knowledge and skills to be attained by person seeking to become Chartered Contract and Project managers or registered member of the professionals and review those standard from time to time as circumstances may require;
  • To provide the highest standard and competence practise and good conduct among Fellows, Full members, Affiliate and students of the institute
  • To provide facilities for interested persons and members of the institute to meet and discuss pertinent issues on contract and project management in Ghana and around the world as the laws may permit;
  • To regulate and ensure discipline within the profession in Ghana and around the world as the laws may permit;
  • To establish and maintain the register of Fellows, Full members, Affiliates and Student members of the institute and publish from time to time the content of the registrar as circumstances may require;
  • To develop skills in problem solving and management procedures, be an industry leader making significant contributions in advancing awareness of business practices and technology in Contract and Project management
  • To become a highly skilled practitioner in the policies, procedures and principles of contract and project management
  • To build a comprehensive project consulting practise that utilizes a global network of academic and practitioner expertise across a broad spectrum of Contract management and for clients to appreciate cutting-edge solutions grounded in rigorous yet relevant thinking from high level corporate strategy to mid-level management- front line project interface operations
  • To discover and develop new methodologies and practices through our research and share these with our clients, currently available research and areas of ongoing research;
  • To determine and review from time-time, the academic standards, knowledge and skills that shall be attained by persons seeking to qualify as registered members of the Institute of Chartered Project Management
  • Arranging conferences, seminars, symposia and meeting for discussion on Project and Contract management and related matters, reading of papers and delivery of lectures, records and other memoranda instilling high standard of professional ability and knowledge by means of periodic issue of journals of the institute and to organize post qualification courses for its members;
  • To provide an organization for men and women in Project and Contract management to secure a professional status, and in particular promoting the interest of these groups engaged in the service of the government, corporation, statutory undertaking, nationalized industries, public and charitable bodies industry and commerce generally in Ghana and other part of the of the world
  • Performing such functions as incidental to the objects or as the council may deem necessary for the attainment of all or any of these objects.
  • To collaborate with universities and other educational institutes to encourage academic and industrial research and for relevant education and career development at all levels in project management.
  • To establish relationships with other public and private organizations, with regard to project management, and to co-operate in matters of common interest.

    To do such other acts and things as are incidental or conducive to the attainment of the above objects or any one of them.